Diffusion MRI Prediction and Harmonization through Q-space Modeling

by   Arkaprava Roy, et al.

We propose a novel nonparametric model for diffusion MRI signal in q-space. In q-space, diffusion MRI signal is measured for a sequence of magnetic strengths (b-values) and magnetic gradient directions (b-vectors). We propose a Poly-RBF model, which employs a bidirectional framework with polynomial bases to model the signal along the b-value direction and Gaussian radial bases across the b-vectors. The model can accommodate sparse data on b-values and moderately dense data on b-vectors. We investigate the utility of Poly-RBF for two applications: 1) prediction of the dMRI signal, and 2) harmonization of dMRI data collected under different acquisition protocols with different scanners. The proposed Poly-RBF model can more accurately predict the unmeasured diffusion signal than its competitors such as the Gaussian process model in Eddy of FSL. Applying it to harmonizing the diffusion signal can significantly improve the reproducibility of derived white matter microstructure measures.


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