DiffusePast: Diffusion-based Generative Replay for Class Incremental Semantic Segmentation

by   Jingfan Chen, et al.

The Class Incremental Semantic Segmentation (CISS) extends the traditional segmentation task by incrementally learning newly added classes. Previous work has introduced generative replay, which involves replaying old class samples generated from a pre-trained GAN, to address the issues of catastrophic forgetting and privacy concerns. However, the generated images lack semantic precision and exhibit out-of-distribution characteristics, resulting in inaccurate masks that further degrade the segmentation performance. To tackle these challenges, we propose DiffusePast, a novel framework featuring a diffusion-based generative replay module that generates semantically accurate images with more reliable masks guided by different instructions (e.g., text prompts or edge maps). Specifically, DiffusePast introduces a dual-generator paradigm, which focuses on generating old class images that align with the distribution of downstream datasets while preserving the structure and layout of the original images, enabling more precise masks. To adapt to the novel visual concepts of newly added classes continuously, we incorporate class-wise token embedding when updating the dual-generator. Moreover, we assign adequate pseudo-labels of old classes to the background pixels in the new step images, further mitigating the forgetting of previously learned knowledge. Through comprehensive experiments, our method demonstrates competitive performance across mainstream benchmarks, striking a better balance between the performance of old and novel classes.


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