Diffuse Map Guiding Unsupervised Generative Adversarial Network for SVBRDF Estimation

by   Zhiyao Luo, et al.

Reconstructing materials in the real world has always been a difficult problem in computer graphics. Accurately reconstructing the material in the real world is critical in the field of realistic rendering. Traditionally, materials in computer graphics are mapped by an artist, then mapped onto a geometric model by coordinate transformation, and finally rendered with a rendering engine to get realistic materials. For opaque objects, the industry commonly uses physical-based bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) rendering models for material modeling. The commonly used physical-based rendering models are Cook-Torrance BRDF, Disney BRDF. In this paper, we use the Cook-Torrance model to reconstruct the materials. The SVBRDF material parameters include Normal, Diffuse, Specular and Roughness. This paper presents a Diffuse map guiding material estimation method based on the Generative Adversarial Network(GAN). This method can predict plausible SVBRDF maps with global features using only a few pictures taken by the mobile phone. The main contributions of this paper are: 1) We preprocess a small number of input pictures to produce a large number of non-repeating pictures for training to reduce over-fitting. 2) We use a novel method to directly obtain the guessed diffuse map with global characteristics, which provides more prior information for the training process. 3) We improve the network architecture of the generator so that it can generate fine details of normal maps and reduce the possibility to generate over-flat normal maps. The method used in this paper can obtain prior knowledge without using dataset training, which greatly reduces the difficulty of material reconstruction and saves a lot of time to generate and calibrate datasets.


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