DIFFender: Diffusion-Based Adversarial Defense against Patch Attacks in the Physical World

by   Caixin Kang, et al.

Adversarial attacks in the physical world, particularly patch attacks, pose significant threats to the robustness and reliability of deep learning models. Developing reliable defenses against patch attacks is crucial for real-world applications, yet current research in this area is severely lacking. In this paper, we propose DIFFender, a novel defense method that leverages the pre-trained diffusion model to perform both localization and defense against potential adversarial patch attacks. DIFFender is designed as a pipeline consisting of two main stages: patch localization and restoration. In the localization stage, we exploit the intriguing properties of a diffusion model to effectively identify the locations of adversarial patches. In the restoration stage, we employ a text-guided diffusion model to eliminate adversarial regions in the image while preserving the integrity of the visual content. Additionally, we design a few-shot prompt-tuning algorithm to facilitate simple and efficient tuning, enabling the learned representations to easily transfer to downstream tasks, which optimize two stages jointly. We conduct extensive experiments on image classification and face recognition to demonstrate that DIFFender exhibits superior robustness under strong adaptive attacks and generalizes well across various scenarios, diverse classifiers, and multiple attack methods.


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