Did Sequence Dependent Geometry Influence the Evolution of the Genetic Code?

by   Alex Kasman, et al.

The genetic code is the function from the set of codons to the set of amino acids by which a DNA sequence encodes proteins. Since the codons also influence the shape of the DNA molecule itself, the same sequence that encodes a protein also has a separate geometric interpretation. A question then arises: How well-duplexed are these two "codes"? In other words, in choosing a genetic sequence to encode a particular protein, how much freedom does one still have to vary the geometry (or vice versa). A recent paper by the first author addressed this question using two different methods. After reviewing those results, this paper addresses the same question with a third method: the use of Monte Carlo and Gaussian sampling methods to approximate a multi-integral representing the mutual information of a variety of possible genetic codes. Once again, it is found that the genetic code used in nuclear DNA has a slightly lower than average duplexing efficiency as compared with other hypothetical genetic codes. A concluding section discusses the significance of these surprising results.


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