DEYOv3: DETR with YOLO for Real-time Object Detection
Recently, end-to-end object detectors have gained significant attention from the research community due to their outstanding performance. However, DETR typically relies on supervised pretraining of the backbone on ImageNet, which limits the practical application of DETR and the design of the backbone, affecting the model's potential generalization ability. In this paper, we propose a new training method called step-by-step training. Specifically, in the first stage, the one-to-many pre-trained YOLO detector is used to initialize the end-to-end detector. In the second stage, the backbone and encoder are consistent with the DETR-like model, but only the detector needs to be trained from scratch. Due to this training method, the object detector does not need the additional dataset (ImageNet) to train the backbone, which makes the design of the backbone more flexible and dramatically reduces the training cost of the detector, which is helpful for the practical application of the object detector. At the same time, compared with the DETR-like model, the step-by-step training method can achieve higher accuracy than the traditional training method of the DETR-like model. With the aid of this novel training method, we propose a brand-new end-to-end real-time object detection model called DEYOv3. DEYOv3-N achieves 41.1 while DEYOv3-L achieves 51.3 training data, DEYOv3 surpasses all existing real-time object detectors in terms of both speed and accuracy. It is worth noting that for models of N, S, and M scales, the training on the COCO dataset can be completed using a single 24GB RTX3090 GPU.