Devil is Virtual: Reversing Virtual Inheritance in C++ Binaries

Complexities that arise from implementation of object-oriented concepts in C++ such as virtual dispatch and dynamic type casting have attracted the attention of attackers and defenders alike. Binary-level defenses are dependent on full and precise recovery of class inheritance tree of a given program. While current solutions focus on recovering single and multiple inheritances from the binary, they are oblivious to virtual inheritance. Conventional wisdom among binary-level defenses is that virtual inheritance is uncommon and/or support for single and multiple inheritances provides implicit support for virtual inheritance. In this paper, we show neither to be true. Specifically, (1) we present an efficient technique to detect virtual inheritance in C++ binaries and show through a study that virtual inheritance can be found in non-negligible number (more than 10%) of real-world C++ programs including Mysql and libstdc++. (2) we show that failure to handle virtual inheritance introduces both false positives and false negatives in the hierarchy tree. These false positves and negatives either introduce attack surface when the hierarchy recovered is used to enforce CFI policies, or make the hierarchy difficult to understand when it is needed for program understanding (e.g., during decompilation). (3) We present a solution to recover virtual inheritance from COTS binaries. We recover up to 100% of virtual bases and 95.5% of intermediate bases in the virtual inheritance tree.


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Automated CFI Policy Assessment with Reckon

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