Developing Medical AI : a cloud-native audio-visual data collection study

by   Sagi Schein, et al.

Designing Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions that can operate in real-world situations is a highly complex task. Deploying such solutions in the medical domain is even more challenging. The promise of using AI to improve patient care and reduce cost has encouraged many companies to undertake such endeavours. For our team, the goal has been to improve early identification of deteriorating patients in the hospital. Identifying patient deterioration in lower acuity wards relies, to a large degree on the attention and intuition of clinicians, rather than on the presence of physiological monitoring devices. In these care areas, an automated tool which could continuously observe patients and notify the clinical staff of suspected deterioration, would be extremely valuable. In order to develop such an AI-enabled tool, a large collection of patient images and audio correlated with corresponding vital signs, past medical history and clinical outcome would be indispensable. To the best of our knowledge, no such public or for-pay data set currently exists. This lack of audio-visual data led to the decision to conduct exactly such study. The main contributions of this paper are, the description of a protocol for audio-visual data collection study, a cloud-architecture for efficiently processing and consuming such data, and the design of a specific data collection device.


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