Detecting Strategic Manipulation in Distributed Optimisation of Electric Vehicle Aggregators

by   Alvaro Perez-Diaz, et al.

Given the rapid rise of electric vehicles (EVs) worldwide, and the ambitious targets set for the near future, the management of large EV fleets must be seen as a priority. Specifically, we study a scenario where EV charging is managed through self-interested EV aggregators who compete in the day-ahead market in order to purchase the electricity needed to meet their clients' requirements. In order to reduce electricity costs and lower the impact on electricity markets, a centralised bidding coordination framework has been proposed in the literature employing a coordinator. In order to improve privacy and limit the need for the coordinator, we propose a reformulation of the coordination framework as a decentralised algorithm, employing the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM). However, given the self-interested nature of the aggregators, they can deviate from the algorithm in order to improve their personal utility. Hence, we study strategic manipulation of the ADMM algorithm and, in doing so, describe and analyse different attack vectors and propose a mathematical framework to quantify and detect manipulation. Moreover, this detection framework is not limited the considered EV scenario and can be applied to general ADMM algorithms. Finally, we test the proposed decentralised coordination and manipulation detection algorithms in realistic scenarios using real market and driver data from Spain. Our empirical results show the convergence of the coordination algorithm, and that the detection algorithm accurately detects deviating behaviour in up to 96


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