Detecting Network-based Internet Censorship via Latent Feature Representation Learning

by   Shawn P. Duncan, et al.

Internet censorship is a phenomenon of societal importance and attracts investigation from multiple disciplines. Several research groups, such as Censored Planet, have deployed large scale Internet measurement platforms to collect network reachability data. However, existing studies generally rely on manually designed rules (i.e., using censorship fingerprints) to detect network-based Internet censorship from the data. While this rule-based approach yields a high true positive detection rate, it suffers from several challenges: it requires human expertise, is laborious, and cannot detect any censorship not captured by the rules. Seeking to overcome these challenges, we design and evaluate a classification model based on latent feature representation learning and an image-based classification model to detect network-based Internet censorship. To infer latent feature representations from network reachability data, we propose a sequence-to-sequence autoencoder to capture the structure and the order of data elements in the data. To estimate the probability of censorship events from the inferred latent features, we rely on a densely connected multi-layer neural network model. Our image-based classification model encodes a network reachability data record as a gray-scale image and classifies the image as censored or not using a dense convolutional neural network. We compare and evaluate both approaches using data sets from Censored Planet via a hold-out evaluation. Both classification models are capable of detecting network-based Internet censorship as we were able to identify instances of censorship not detected by the known fingerprints. Latent feature representations likely encode more nuances in the data since the latent feature learning approach discovers a greater quantity, and a more diverse set, of new censorship instances.


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