Design-time Fashion Popularity Forecasting in VR Environments

Being able to forecast the popularity of new garment designs is very important in an industry as fast paced as fashion, both in terms of profitability and reducing the problem of unsold inventory. Here, we attempt to address this task in order to provide informative forecasts to fashion designers within a virtual reality designer application that will allow them to fine tune their creations based on current consumer preferences within an interactive and immersive environment. To achieve this we have to deal with the following central challenges: (1) the proposed method should not hinder the creative process and thus it has to rely only on the garment's visual characteristics, (2) the new garment lacks historical data from which to extrapolate their future popularity and (3) fashion trends in general are highly dynamical. To this end, we develop a computer vision pipeline fine tuned on fashion imagery in order to extract relevant visual features along with the category and attributes of the garment. We propose a hierarchical label sharing (HLS) pipeline for automatically capturing hierarchical relations among fashion categories and attributes. Moreover, we propose MuQAR, a Multimodal Quasi-AutoRegressive neural network that forecasts the popularity of new garments by combining their visual features and categorical features while an autoregressive neural network is modelling the popularity time series of the garment's category and attributes. Both the proposed HLS and MuQAR prove capable of surpassing the current state-of-the-art in key benchmark datasets, DeepFashion for image classification and VISUELLE for new garment sales forecasting.


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