Design of Energy-efficient EPON: a Novel Protocol Proposal and its Performance Analysis

by   Sourav Dutta, et al.

Economical and environmental concerns necessitate network engineers to focus on energy-efficient access network design. The optical network units (ONUs), being predominantly responsible for the energy consumption of Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON), motivates us towards designing a novel protocol for saving energy at ONU. The proposed protocol exploits different low power modes (LPM) and opts for the suitable one using traffic prediction. This scheme provides a significant improvement of energy-efficiency especially at high load ( 40 a deeper insight into several design aspects can only be addressed through a detailed mathematical analysis. The proposed protocol involves traffic prediction which infringes Markovian property. However, some pragmatic assumptions along with a proper selection of observation instances and state descriptions allow us to form a Discrete Time Markov Chain (DTMC) of the proposed algorithm. Thus, the primary objective of this paper is to propose a novel scheme for achieving energy-efficiency at ONU and mathematically analyze the performance of it with the help of a DTMC. The analysis reveals that the energy-efficiency is more sensitive to the power consumption of doze mode as compared to other LPM while the effect of sleep-to-wake-up time is minor.


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