Descriptors for Machine Learning Model of Generalized Force Field in Condensed Matter Systems

by   Puhan Zhang, et al.

We outline the general framework of machine learning (ML) methods for multi-scale dynamical modeling of condensed matter systems, and in particular of strongly correlated electron models. Complex spatial temporal behaviors in these systems often arise from the interplay between quasi-particles and the emergent dynamical classical degrees of freedom, such as local lattice distortions, spins, and order-parameters. Central to the proposed framework is the ML energy model that, by successfully emulating the time-consuming electronic structure calculation, can accurately predict a local energy based on the classical field in the intermediate neighborhood. In order to properly include the symmetry of the electron Hamiltonian, a crucial component of the ML energy model is the descriptor that transforms the neighborhood configuration into invariant feature variables, which are input to the learning model. A general theory of the descriptor for the classical fields is formulated, and two types of models are distinguished depending on the presence or absence of an internal symmetry for the classical field. Several specific approaches to the descriptor of the classical fields are presented. Our focus is on the group-theoretical method that offers a systematic and rigorous approach to compute invariants based on the bispectrum coefficients. We propose an efficient implementation of the bispectrum method based on the concept of reference irreducible representations. Finally, the implementations of the various descriptors are demonstrated on well-known electronic lattice models.


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