DeLoRes: Decorrelating Latent Spaces for Low-Resource Audio Representation Learning

by   Sreyan Ghosh, et al.

Inspired by the recent progress in self-supervised learning for computer vision, in this paper, through the DeLoRes learning framework, we introduce two new general-purpose audio representation learning approaches, the DeLoRes-S and DeLoRes-M. Our main objective is to make our network learn representations in a resource-constrained setting (both data and compute), that can generalize well across a diverse set of downstream tasks. Inspired from the Barlow Twins objective function, we propose to learn embeddings that are invariant to distortions of an input audio sample, while making sure that they contain non-redundant information about the sample. To achieve this, we measure the cross-correlation matrix between the outputs of two identical networks fed with distorted versions of an audio segment sampled from an audio file and make it as close to the identity matrix as possible. We call this the DeLoRes learning framework, which we employ in different fashions with the DeLoRes-S and DeLoRes-M. We use a combination of a small subset of the large-scale AudioSet dataset and FSD50K for self-supervised learning and are able to learn with less than half the parameters compared to state-of-the-art algorithms. For evaluation, we transfer these learned representations to 11 downstream classification tasks, including speech, music, and animal sounds, and achieve state-of-the-art results on 7 out of 11 tasks on linear evaluation with DeLoRes-M and show competitive results with DeLoRes-S, even when pre-trained using only a fraction of the total data when compared to prior art. Our transfer learning evaluation setup also shows extremely competitive results for both DeLoRes-S and DeLoRes-M, with DeLoRes-M achieving state-of-the-art in 4 tasks.


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