Dehumanizing Voice Technology: Phonetic Experiential Consequences of Restricted Human-Machine Interaction

by   Christian Hildebrand, et al.

The use of natural language and voice-based interfaces gradu-ally transforms how consumers search, shop, and express their preferences. The current work explores how changes in the syntactical structure of the interaction with conversational interfaces (command vs. request based expression modalities) negatively affects consumers' subjective task enjoyment and systematically alters objective vocal features in the human voice. We show that requests (vs. commands) lead to an in-crease in phonetic convergence and lower phonetic latency, and ultimately a more natural task experience for consumers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work docu-menting that altering the input modality of how consumers interact with smart objects systematically affects consumers' IoT experience. We provide evidence that altering the required input to initiate a conversation with smart objects provokes systematic changes both in terms of consumers' subjective experience and objective phonetic changes in the human voice. The current research also makes a methodological con-tribution by highlighting the unexplored potential of feature extraction in human voice as a novel data format linking consumers' vocal features during speech formation and their sub-jective task experiences.


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