Defending against adversarial attacks by randomized diversification

by   Olga Taran, et al.

The vulnerability of machine learning systems to adversarial attacks questions their usage in many applications. In this paper, we propose a randomized diversification as a defense strategy. We introduce a multi-channel architecture in a gray-box scenario, which assumes that the architecture of the classifier and the training data set are known to the attacker. The attacker does not only have access to a secret key and to the internal states of the system at the test time. The defender processes an input in multiple channels. Each channel introduces its own randomization in a special transform domain based on a secret key shared between the training and testing stages. Such a transform based randomization with a shared key preserves the gradients in key-defined sub-spaces for the defender but it prevents gradient back propagation and the creation of various bypass systems for the attacker. An additional benefit of multi-channel randomization is the aggregation that fuses soft-outputs from all channels, thus increasing the reliability of the final score. The sharing of a secret key creates an information advantage to the defender. Experimental evaluation demonstrates an increased robustness of the proposed method to a number of known state-of-the-art attacks.


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