Defending Against Adversarial Attacks by Energy Storage Facility

by   Jiawei Li, et al.

Adversarial attacks on data-driven algorithms applied in pow-er system will be a new type of threat on grid security. Litera-ture has demonstrated the adversarial attack on deep-neural network can significantly misleading the load forecast of a power system. However, it is unclear how the new type of at-tack impact on the operation of grid system. In this research, we manifest that the adversarial algorithm attack induces a significant cost-increase risk which will be exacerbated by the growing penetration of intermittent renewable energy. In Texas, a 5 cost by 17 wind-energy penetration increases to over 40 inflate the generation cost by 23 defending against the adversarial attack: investing on energy-storage system. All current literature focuses on developing algorithm to defending against adversarial attack. We are the first research revealing the capability of using facility in physical system to defending against the adversarial algorithm attack in a system of Internet of Thing, such as smart grid system.


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