Deep Weisfeiler Leman
We introduce the framework of Deep Weisfeiler Leman algorithms (DeepWL), which allows the design of purely combinatorial graph isomorphism tests that are more powerful than the well-known Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm. We prove that, as an abstract computational model, polynomial time DeepWL-algorithms have exactly the same expressiveness as the logic Choiceless Polynomial Time (with counting) introduced by Blass, Gurevich, and Shelah (Ann. Pure Appl. Logic., 1999) It is a well-known open question whether the existence of a polynomial time graph isomorphism test implies the existence of a polynomial time canonisation algorithm. Our main technical result states that for each class of graphs (satisfying some mild closure condition), if there is a polynomial time DeepWL isomorphism test then there is a polynomial canonisation algorithm for this class. This implies that there is also a logic capturing polynomial time on this class.