Deep RNN-Oriented Paradigm Shift through BOCANet: Broken Obfuscated Circuit Attack
This is the first work augmenting hardware attacks mounted on obfuscated circuits by incorporating deep recurrent neural network (D-RNN). Logic encryption obfuscation has been used for thwarting counterfeiting, overproduction, and reverse engineering but vulnerable to attacks. There have been efficient schemes, e.g., satisfiability-checking (SAT) based attack, which can potentially compromise hardware obfuscation circuits. Nevertheless, not only there exist countermeasures against such attacks in the state-of-the-art (including the recent delay+logic locking (DLL) scheme in DAC'17), but the sheer amount of time/resources to mount the attack could hinder its efficacy. In this paper, we propose a deep RNN-oriented approach, called BOCANet, to (i) compromise the obfuscated hardware at least an order-of magnitude more efficiently (>20X faster with relatively high success rate) compared to existing attacks; (ii) attack such locked hardware even when the resources to the attacker are only limited to insignificant number of I/O pairs (< 0.5%) to reconstruct the secret key; and (iii) break a number of experimented benchmarks (ISCAS-85 c423, c1355, c1908, and c7552) successfully.