Deep Omni-supervised Learning for Rib Fracture Detection from Chest Radiology Images

by   Zhizhong Chai, et al.

Deep learning (DL)-based rib fracture detection has shown promise of playing an important role in preventing mortality and improving patient outcome. Normally, developing DL-based object detection models requires huge amount of bounding box annotation. However, annotating medical data is time-consuming and expertise-demanding, making obtaining a large amount of fine-grained annotations extremely infeasible. This poses pressing need of developing label-efficient detection models to alleviate radiologists' labeling burden. To tackle this challenge, the literature of object detection has witnessed an increase of weakly-supervised and semi-supervised approaches, yet still lacks a unified framework that leverages various forms of fully-labeled, weakly-labeled, and unlabeled data. In this paper, we present a novel omni-supervised object detection network, ORF-Netv2, to leverage as much available supervision as possible. Specifically, a multi-branch omni-supervised detection head is introduced with each branch trained with a specific type of supervision. A co-training-based dynamic label assignment strategy is then proposed to enable flexibly and robustly learning from the weakly-labeled and unlabeled data. Extensively evaluation was conducted for the proposed framework with three rib fracture datasets on both chest CT and X-ray. By leveraging all forms of supervision, ORF-Netv2 achieves mAPs of 34.7, 44.7, and 19.4 on the three datasets, respectively, surpassing the baseline detector which uses only box annotations by mAP gains of 3.8, 4.8, and 5.0, respectively. Furthermore, ORF-Netv2 consistently outperforms other competitive label-efficient methods over various scenarios, showing a promising framework for label-efficient fracture detection.


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