Deep learning as closure for irreversible processes: A data-driven generalized Langevin equation

by   Serafim Kalliadasis, et al.

The ultimate goal of physics is finding a unique equation capable of describing the evolution of any observable quantity in a self-consistent way. Within the field of statistical physics, such an equation is known as the generalized Langevin equation (GLE). Nevertheless, the formal and exact GLE is not particularly useful, since it depends on the complete history of the observable at hand, and on hidden degrees of freedom typically inaccessible from a theoretical point of view. In this work, we propose the use of deep neural networks as a new avenue for learning the intricacies of the unknowns mentioned above. By using machine learning to eliminate the unknowns from GLEs, our methodology outperforms previous approaches (in terms of efficiency and robustness) where general fitting functions were postulated. Finally, our work is tested against several prototypical examples, from a colloidal systems and particle chains immersed in a thermal bath, to climatology and financial models. In all cases, our methodology exhibits an excellent agreement with the actual dynamics of the observables under consideration.


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