Deep Keyframe Detection in Human Action Videos

by   Xiang Yan, et al.

Detecting representative frames in videos based on human actions is quite challenging because of the combined factors of human pose in action and the background. This paper addresses this problem and formulates the key frame detection as one of finding the video frames that optimally maximally contribute to differentiating the underlying action category from all other categories. To this end, we introduce a deep two-stream ConvNet for key frame detection in videos that learns to directly predict the location of key frames. Our key idea is to automatically generate labeled data for the CNN learning using a supervised linear discriminant method. While the training data is generated taking many different human action videos into account, the trained CNN can predict the importance of frames from a single video. We specify a new ConvNet framework, consisting of a summarizer and discriminator. The summarizer is a two-stream ConvNet aimed at, first, capturing the appearance and motion features of video frames, and then encoding the obtained appearance and motion features for video representation. The discriminator is a fitting function aimed at distinguishing between the key frames and others in the video. We conduct experiments on a challenging human action dataset UCF101 and show that our method can detect key frames with high accuracy.


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