Deep Cross Polarimetric Thermal-to-visible Face Recognition
In this paper, we present a deep coupled learning frame- work to address the problem of matching polarimetric ther- mal face photos against a gallery of visible faces. Polariza- tion state information of thermal faces provides the miss- ing textural and geometrics details in the thermal face im- agery which exist in visible spectrum. we propose a coupled deep neural network architecture which leverages relatively large visible and thermal datasets to overcome the problem of overfitting and eventually we train it by a polarimetric thermal face dataset which is the first of its kind. The pro- posed architecture is able to make full use of the polari- metric thermal information to train a deep model compared to the conventional shallow thermal-to-visible face recogni- tion methods. Proposed coupled deep neural network also finds global discriminative features in a nonlinear embed- ding space to relate the polarimetric thermal faces to their corresponding visible faces. The results show the superior- ity of our method compared to the state-of-the-art models in cross thermal-to-visible face recognition algorithms.