Decision Procedures for Path Feasibility of String-Manipulating Programs with Complex Operations

by   Taolue Chen, et al.

The design and implementation of decision procedures for checking path feasibility in string-manipulating programs is an important problem, whose applications include symbolic execution and automated detection of cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. A (symbolic) path is a finite sequence of assignments and assertions (i.e. without loops), and checking its feasibility amounts to determining the existence of inputs that yield a successful execution. We give two general semantic conditions which together ensure the decidability of path feasibility: (1) each assertion admits regular monadic decomposition, and (2) each assignment uses a (possibly nondeterministic) function whose inverse relation preserves regularity. We show these conditions are expressive since they are satisfied by a multitude of string operations. They also strictly subsume existing decidable string theories, and most existing benchmarks (e.g. most of Kaluza's, and all of SLOG's, Stranger's, and SLOTH's). We give a simple decision procedure and an extensible architecture of a string solver in that a user may easily incorporate his/her own string functions. We show the general fragment has a tight, but high complexity. To address this, we propose to allow only partial string functions (i.e., prohibit nondeterminism) in condition (2). When nondeterministic functions are needed, we also provide a syntactic fragment that provides a support of nondeterministic functions but can be reduced to an existing solver SLOTH. We provide an efficient implementation of our decision procedure for deterministic partial string functions in a new string solver OSTRICH. It provides built-in support for concatenation, reverse, functional transducers, and replaceall and provides a framework for extensibility to support further string functions. We demonstrate the efficacy of our new solver against other competitive solvers.


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