Deblured Gaussian Blurred Images
This paper attempts to undertake the study of Restored Gaussian Blurred Images. by using four types of techniques of deblurring image as Wiener filter, Regularized filter, Lucy Richardson deconvlutin algorithm and Blind deconvlution algorithm with an information of the Point Spread Function (PSF) corrupted blurred image with Different values of Size and Alfa and then corrupted by Gaussian noise. The same is applied to the remote sensing image and they are compared with one another, So as to choose the base technique for restored or deblurring image.This paper also attempts to undertake the study of restored Gaussian blurred image with no any information about the Point Spread Function (PSF) by using same four techniques after execute the guess of the PSF, the number of iterations and the weight threshold of it. To choose the base guesses for restored or deblurring image of this techniques.