Dealing with Integer-valued Variables in Bayesian Optimization with Gaussian Processes

Bayesian optimization (BO) methods are useful for optimizing functions that are expensive to evaluate, lack an analytical expression and whose evaluations can be contaminated by noise. These methods rely on a probabilistic model of the objective function, typically a Gaussian process (GP), upon which an acquisition function is built. This function guides the optimization process and measures the expected utility of performing an evaluation of the objective at a new point. GPs assume continous input variables. When this is not the case, such as when some of the input variables take integer values, one has to introduce extra approximations. A common approach is to round the suggested variable value to the closest integer before doing the evaluation of the objective. We show that this can lead to problems in the optimization process and describe a more principled approach to account for input variables that are integer-valued. We illustrate in both synthetic and a real experiments the utility of our approach, which significantly improves the results of standard BO methods on problems involving integer-valued variables.


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