Data-Driven Traffic Assignment: A Novel Approach for Learning Traffic Flow Patterns Using a Graph Convolutional Neural Network
We present a novel data-driven approach of learning traffic flow patterns of a transportation network given that many instances of origin to destination (OD) travel demand and link flows of the network are available. Instead of estimating traffic flow patterns assuming certain user behavior (e.g., user equilibrium or system optimal), here we explore the idea of learning those flow patterns directly from the data. To implement this idea, we have formulated the traffic-assignment problem as a data-driven learning problem and developed a neural network-based framework known as Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCNN) to solve it. The proposed framework represents the transportation network and OD demand in an efficient way and utilizes the diffusion process of multiple OD demands from nodes to links. We validate the solutions of the model against analytical solutions generated from running static user equilibrium-based traffic assignments over Sioux Falls and East Massachusetts networks. The validation result shows that the implemented GCNN model can learn the flow patterns very well with less than 2 the actual and estimated link flows for both networks under varying congested conditions. When the training of the model is complete, it can instantly determine the traffic flows of a large-scale network. Hence this approach can overcome the challenges of deploying traffic assignment models over large-scale networks and open new directions of research in data-driven network modeling.