Data-Driven System Identification of 6-DoF Ship Motion in Waves with Neural Networks

by   Kevin M. Silva, et al.

Critical evaluation and understanding of ship responses in the ocean is important for not only the design and engineering of future platforms but also the operation and safety of those that are currently deployed. Simulations or experiments are typically performed in nominal sea conditions during ship design or prior to deployment and the results may not be reflective of the instantaneous state of the vessel and the ocean environment while deployed. Short-term temporal predictions of ship responses given the current wave environment and ship state would enable enhanced decision-making onboard for both manned and unmanned vessels. However, the current state-of-the-art in numerical hydrodynamic simulation tools are too computationally expensive to be employed for real-time ship motion forecasting and the computationally efficient tools are too low fidelity to provide accurate responses. A methodology is developed with long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks to represent the motions of a free running David Taylor Model Basin (DTMB) 5415 destroyer operating at 20 knots in Sea State 7 stern-quartering irregular seas. Case studies are performed for both course-keeping and turning circle scenarios. An estimate of the vessel's encounter frame is made with the trajectories observed in the training dataset. Wave elevation time histories are given by artificial wave probes that travel with the estimated encounter frame and serve as input into the neural network, while the output is the 6-DOF temporal ship motion response. Overall, the neural network is able to predict the temporal response of the ship due to unseen waves accurately, which makes this methodology suitable for system identification and real-time ship motion forecasting. The methodology, the dependence of model accuracy on wave probe and training data quantity and the estimated encounter frame are all detailed.


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