Data-Driven Interaction Analysis of Line Failure Cascading in Power Grid Networks

by   Abdorasoul Ghasemi, et al.

We use machine learning tools to model the line interaction of failure cascading in power grid networks. We first collect data sets of simulated trajectories of possible consecutive line failure following an initial random failure and considering actual constraints in a model power network until the system settles at a steady state. We use weighted l_1-regularized logistic regression-based models to find static and dynamic models that capture pairwise and latent higher-order lines' failure interactions using pairwise statistical data. The static model captures the failures' interactions near the steady states of the network, and the dynamic model captures the failure unfolding in a time series of consecutive network states. We test models over independent trajectories of failure unfolding in the network to evaluate their failure predictive power. We observe asymmetric, strongly positive, and negative interactions between different lines' states in the network. We use the static interaction model to estimate the distribution of cascade size and identify groups of lines that tend to fail together, and compare against the data. The dynamic interaction model successfully predicts the network state for long-lasting failure propagation trajectories after an initial failure.


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