DaLAJ - a dataset for linguistic acceptability judgments for Swedish: Format, baseline, sharing

by   Elena Volodina, et al.

We present DaLAJ 1.0, a Dataset for Linguistic Acceptability Judgments for Swedish, comprising 9 596 sentences in its first version; and the initial experiment using it for the binary classification task. DaLAJ is based on the SweLL second language learner data, consisting of essays at different levels of proficiency. To make sure the dataset can be freely available despite the GDPR regulations, we have sentence-scrambled learner essays and removed part of the metadata about learners, keeping for each sentence only information about the mother tongue and the level of the course where the essay has been written. We use the normalized version of learner language as the basis for the DaLAJ sentences, and keep only one error per sentence. We repeat the same sentence for each individual correction tag used in the sentence. For DaLAJ 1.0 we have used four error categories (out of 35 available in SweLL), all connected to lexical or word-building choices. Our baseline results for the binary classification show an accuracy of 58 dataset is included in the SwedishGlue (Swe. SuperLim) benchmark. Below, we describe the format of the dataset, first experiments, our insights and the motivation for the chosen approach to data sharing.


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