Curvature Injected Adaptive Momentum Optimizer for Convolutional Neural Networks

by   Shiv Ram Dubey, et al.

In this paper, we propose a new approach, hereafter referred as AdaInject, for the gradient descent optimizers by injecting the curvature information with adaptive momentum. Specifically, the curvature information is used as a weight to inject the second order moment in the update rule. The curvature information is captured through the short-term parameter history. The AdaInject approach boosts the parameter update by exploiting the curvature information. The proposed approach is generic in nature and can be integrated with any existing adaptive momentum stochastic gradient descent optimizers. The effectiveness of the AdaInject optimizer is tested using a theoretical analysis as well as through toy examples. We also show the convergence property of the proposed injection based optimizer. Further, we depict the efficacy of the AdaInject approach through extensive experiments in conjunction with the state-of-the-art optimizers, i.e., AdamInject, diffGradInject, RadamInject, and AdaBeliefInject on four benchmark datasets. Different CNN models are used in the experiments. A highest improvement in the top-1 classification error rate of 16.54% is observed using diffGradInject optimizer with ResNeXt29 model over the CIFAR10 dataset. Overall, we observe very promising performance improvement of existing optimizers with the proposed AdaInject approach.


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