CUR Decomposition for Scalable Rank-Adaptive Reduced-Order Modeling of Nonlinear Stochastic PDEs with Time-Dependent Bases

by   M. Donello, et al.

Time-dependent basis reduced order models (TDB ROMs) have successfully been used for approximating the solution to nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations (PDEs). For many practical problems of interest, discretizing these PDEs results in massive matrix differential equations (MDEs) that are too expensive to solve using conventional methods. While TDB ROMs have the potential to significantly reduce this computational burden, they still suffer from the following challenges: (i) inefficient for general nonlinearities, (ii) intrusive implementation, (iii) ill-conditioned in the presence of small singular values, and (iv) error accumulation due to fixed rank. To this end, we present a scalable method for solving TDB ROMs that is computationally efficient, minimally intrusive, robust in the presence of small singular values, rank-adaptive, and highly parallelizable. These favorable properties are achieved via low-rank approximation of the time discrete MDE. Using the discrete empirical interpolation method (DEIM), a low-rank CUR decomposition is computed at each iteration of the time stepping scheme, enabling a near-optimal approximation at a fraction of the cost. We also propose a rank-adaptive procedure to control the error on-the-fly. Numerical results demonstrate the accuracy, efficiency, and robustness of the new method for a diverse set of problems.


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