CT-CAPS: Feature Extraction-based Automated Framework for COVID-19 Disease Identification from Chest CT Scans using Capsule Networks

by   Shahin Heidarian, et al.

The global outbreak of the novel corona virus (COVID-19) disease has drastically impacted the world and led to one of the most challenging crisis across the globe since World War II. The early diagnosis and isolation of COVID-19 positive cases are considered as crucial steps towards preventing the spread of the disease and flattening the epidemic curve. Chest Computed Tomography (CT) scan is a highly sensitive, rapid, and accurate diagnostic technique that can complement Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test. Recently, deep learning-based models, mostly based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), have shown promising diagnostic results. CNNs, however, are incapable of capturing spatial relations between image instances and require large datasets. Capsule Networks, on the other hand, can capture spatial relations, require smaller datasets, and have considerably fewer parameters. In this paper, a Capsule network framework, referred to as the "CT-CAPS", is presented to automatically extract distinctive features of chest CT scans. These features, which are extracted from the layer before the final capsule layer, are then leveraged to differentiate COVID-19 from Non-COVID cases. The experiments on our in-house dataset of 307 patients show the state-of-the-art performance with the accuracy of 90.8 94.5


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