Cross-Model Image Annotation Platform with Active Learning

by   Ng Hui Xian Lynnette, et al.

We have seen significant leapfrog advancement in machine learning in recent decades. The central idea of machine learnability lies on constructing learning algorithms that learn from good data. The availability of more data being made publicly available also accelerates the growth of AI in recent years. In the domain of computer vision, the quality of image data arises from the accuracy of image annotation. Labeling large volume of image data is a daunting and tedious task. This work presents an End-to-End pipeline tool for object annotation and recognition aims at enabling quick image labeling. We have developed a modular image annotation platform which seamlessly incorporates assisted image annotation (annotation assistance), active learning and model training and evaluation. Our approach provides a number of advantages over current image annotation tools. Firstly, the annotation assistance utilizes reference hierarchy and reference images to locate the objects in the images, thus reducing the need for annotating the whole object. Secondly, images can be annotated using polygon points allowing for objects of any shape to be annotated. Thirdly, it is also interoperable across several image models, and the tool provides an interface for object model training and evaluation across a series of pre-trained models. We have tested the model and embeds several benchmarking deep learning models. The highest accuracy achieved is 74


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