Cross-Database and Cross-Channel ECG Arrhythmia Heartbeat Classification Based on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

by   Md Niaz Imtiaz, et al.

The classification of electrocardiogram (ECG) plays a crucial role in the development of an automatic cardiovascular diagnostic system. However, considerable variances in ECG signals between individuals is a significant challenge. Changes in data distribution limit cross-domain utilization of a model. In this study, we propose a solution to classify ECG in an unlabeled dataset by leveraging knowledge obtained from labeled source domain. We present a domain-adaptive deep network based on cross-domain feature discrepancy optimization. Our method comprises three stages: pre-training, cluster-centroid computing, and adaptation. In pre-training, we employ a Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) technique to deal with the vanishing worst-case training loss. To enhance the richness of the features, we concatenate three temporal features with the deep learning features. The cluster computing stage involves computing centroids of distinctly separable clusters for the source using true labels, and for the target using confident predictions. We propose a novel technique to select confident predictions in the target domain. In the adaptation stage, we minimize compacting loss within the same cluster, separating loss across different clusters, inter-domain cluster discrepancy loss, and running combined loss to produce a domain-robust model. Experiments conducted in both cross-domain and cross-channel paradigms show the efficacy of the proposed method. Our method achieves superior performance compared to other state-of-the-art approaches in detecting ventricular ectopic beats (V), supraventricular ectopic beats (S), and fusion beats (F). Our method achieves an average improvement of 11.78 non-domain-adaptive baseline method on the three test datasets.


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