COVID-CAPS: A Capsule Network-based Framework for Identification of COVID-19 cases from X-ray Images

by   Parnian Afshar, et al.

Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has abruptly and undoubtedly changed the world as we know it at the end of the 2nd decade of the 21st century. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and quickly spreading globally making its early diagnosis of paramount importance. Early diagnosis of COVID-19 enables health care professionals and government authorities to break the chain of transition and flatten the epidemic curve. The common type of COVID-19 diagnosis test, however, requires specific equipment and has relatively low sensitivity and high false-negative rate. Computed tomography (CT) scans and X-ray images, on the other hand, reveal specific manifestations associated with this disease. Overlap with other lung infections makes human-centered diagnosis of COVID-19 challenging. Consequently, there has been an urgent surge of interest to develop Deep Neural Network (DNN)-based diagnosis solutions, mainly based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), to facilitate identification of positive COVID-19 cases. CNNs, however, are prone to lose spatial information between image instances and require large datasets. This paper presents an alternative modeling framework based on Capsule Networks, referred to as the COVID-CAPS, being capable of handling small datasets, which is of significant importance due to sudden and rapid emergence of COVID-19. Our initial results based on a dataset of X-ray images show that COVID-CAPS has advantage over previous CNN-based models. COVID-CAPS achieved an Accuracy of 95.7 Specificity of 95.8 less number of trainable parameters in comparison to its counterparts.


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