COVID-19 Detection Based on Self-Supervised Transfer Learning Using Chest X-Ray Images

by   Guang Li, et al.

Purpose: Considering several patients screened due to COVID-19 pandemic, computer-aided detection has strong potential in assisting clinical workflow efficiency and reducing the incidence of infections among radiologists and healthcare providers. Since many confirmed COVID-19 cases present radiological findings of pneumonia, radiologic examinations can be useful for fast detection. Therefore, chest radiography can be used to fast screen COVID-19 during the patient triage, thereby determining the priority of patient's care to help saturated medical facilities in a pandemic situation. Methods: In this paper, we propose a new learning scheme called self-supervised transfer learning for detecting COVID-19 from chest X-ray (CXR) images. We compared six self-supervised learning (SSL) methods (Cross, BYOL, SimSiam, SimCLR, PIRL-jigsaw, and PIRL-rotation) with the proposed method. Additionally, we compared six pretrained DCNNs (ResNet18, ResNet50, ResNet101, CheXNet, DenseNet201, and InceptionV3) with the proposed method. We provide quantitative evaluation on the largest open COVID-19 CXR dataset and qualitative results for visual inspection. Results: Our method achieved a harmonic mean (HM) score of 0.985, AUC of 0.999, and four-class accuracy of 0.953. We also used the visualization technique Grad-CAM++ to generate visual explanations of different classes of CXR images with the proposed method to increase the interpretability. Conclusions: Our method shows that the knowledge learned from natural images using transfer learning is beneficial for SSL of the CXR images and boosts the performance of representation learning for COVID-19 detection. Our method promises to reduce the incidence of infections among radiologists and healthcare providers.


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