CoV-TI-Net: Transferred Initialization with Modified End Layer for COVID-19 Diagnosis
This paper proposes transferred initialization with modified fully connected layers for COVID-19 diagnosis. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) achieved a remarkable result in image classification. However, training a high-performing model is a very complicated and time-consuming process because of the complexity of image recognition applications. On the other hand, transfer learning is a relatively new learning method that has been employed in many sectors to achieve good performance with fewer computations. In this research, the PyTorch pre-trained models (VGG19_bn and WideResNet -101) are applied in the MNIST dataset for the first time as initialization and with modified fully connected layers. The employed PyTorch pre-trained models were previously trained in ImageNet. The proposed model is developed and verified in the Kaggle notebook, and it reached the outstanding accuracy of 99.77 huge computational time during the training process of the network. We also applied the same methodology to the SIIM-FISABIO-RSNA COVID-19 Detection dataset and achieved 80.01 huge compactional time during the training process to reach a high-performing model. Codes are available at the following link: