Counting in Graph Covers: A Combinatorial Characterization of the Bethe Entropy Function

by   Pascal O. Vontobel, et al.

We present a combinatorial characterization of the Bethe entropy function of a factor graph, such a characterization being in contrast to the original, analytical, definition of this function. We achieve this combinatorial characterization by counting valid configurations in finite graph covers of the factor graph. Analogously, we give a combinatorial characterization of the Bethe partition function, whose original definition was also of an analytical nature. As we point out, our approach has similarities to the replica method, but also stark differences. The above findings are a natural backdrop for introducing a decoder for graph-based codes that we will call symbolwise graph-cover decoding, a decoder that extends our earlier work on blockwise graph-cover decoding. Both graph-cover decoders are theoretical tools that help towards a better understanding of message-passing iterative decoding, namely blockwise graph-cover decoding links max-product (min-sum) algorithm decoding with linear programming decoding, and symbolwise graph-cover decoding links sum-product algorithm decoding with Bethe free energy function minimization at temperature one. In contrast to the Gibbs entropy function, which is a concave function, the Bethe entropy function is in general not concave everywhere. In particular, we show that every code picked from an ensemble of regular low-density parity-check codes with minimum Hamming distance growing (with high probability) linearly with the block length has a Bethe entropy function that is convex in certain regions of its domain.


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