Cost-Effective Algorithms for Average-Case Interactive Graph Search
Interactive graph search (IGS) uses human intelligence to locate the target node in hierarchy, which can be applied for image classification, product categorization and searching a database. Specifically, IGS aims to categorize an object from a given category hierarchy via several rounds of interactive queries. In each round of query, the search algorithm picks a category and receives a boolean answer on whether the object is under the chosen category. The main efficiency goal asks for the minimum number of queries to identify the correct hierarchical category for the object. In this paper, we study the average-case interactive graph search (AIGS) problem that aims to minimize the expected number of queries when the objects follow a probability distribution. We propose a greedy search policy that splits the candidate categories as evenly as possible with respect to the probability weights, which offers an approximation guarantee of O(log n) for AIGS given the category hierarchy is a directed acyclic graph (DAG), where n is the total number of categories. Meanwhile, if the input hierarchy is a tree, we show that a constant approximation factor of (1+√(5))/2 can be achieved. Furthermore, we present efficient implementations of the greedy policy, namely GreedyTree and GreedyDAG, that can quickly categorize the object in practice. Extensive experiments in real-world scenarios are carried out to demonstrate the superiority of our proposed methods.