CORNET: Learning Table Formatting Rules By Example

by   Mukul Singh, et al.

Spreadsheets are widely used for table manipulation and presentation. Stylistic formatting of these tables is an important property for both presentation and analysis. As a result, popular spreadsheet software, such as Excel, supports automatically formatting tables based on rules. Unfortunately, writing such formatting rules can be challenging for users as it requires knowledge of the underlying rule language and data logic. We present CORNET, a system that tackles the novel problem of automatically learning such formatting rules from user examples in the form of formatted cells. CORNET takes inspiration from advances in inductive programming and combines symbolic rule enumeration with a neural ranker to learn conditional formatting rules. To motivate and evaluate our approach, we extracted tables with over 450K unique formatting rules from a corpus of over 1.8M real worksheets. Since we are the first to introduce conditional formatting, we compare CORNET to a wide range of symbolic and neural baselines adapted from related domains. Our results show that CORNET accurately learns rules across varying evaluation setups. Additionally, we show that CORNET finds shorter rules than those that a user has written and discovers rules in spreadsheets that users have manually formatted.


Demonstration of CORNET: A System For Learning Spreadsheet Formatting Rules By Example

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