Coordinated Defense Allocation in Reach-Avoid Scenarios with Efficient Online Optimization

by   Junwei Liu, et al.

Deriving strategies for multiple agents under adversarial scenarios poses a significant challenge in attaining both optimality and efficiency. In this paper, we propose an efficient defense strategy for cooperative defense against a group of attackers in a convex environment. The defenders aim to minimize the total number of attackers that successfully enter the target set without prior knowledge of the attacker's strategy. Our approach involves a two-scale method that decomposes the problem into coordination against a single attacker and assigning defenders to attackers. We first develop a coordination strategy for multiple defenders against a single attacker, implementing online convex programming. This results in the maximum defense-winning region of initial joint states from which the defender can successfully defend against a single attacker. We then propose an allocation algorithm that significantly reduces computational effort required to solve the induced integer linear programming problem. The allocation guarantees defense performance enhancement as the game progresses. We perform various simulations to verify the efficiency of our algorithm compared to the state-of-the-art approaches, including the one using the Gazabo platform with Robot Operating System.


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