Converse Theorems for the DMC with Mismatched Decoding

by   Anelia Somekh-Baruch, et al.

The problem of mismatched decoding with an additive metric q for a discrete memoryless channel W is addressed. The "product-space" improvement of the random coding lower bound on the mismatch capacity, C_q^(∞)(W), was introduced by Csiszár and Narayan. We study two kinds of decoders. The δ-margin mismatched decoder outputs a message whose metric with the channel output exceeds that of all the other codewords by at least δ. The τ-threshold decoder outputs a single message whose metric with the channel output exceeds a threshold τ. Both decoders declare an error if they fail to find a message that meets the requirement. It is assumed that q is bounded. It is proved that C_q^(∞)(W) is equal to the mismatch capacity with a constant margin decoder. We next consider sequences of P-constant composition codebooks, whose empirical distribution of the codewords are at least o(n^-1/2) close in the L_1 distance sense to P. Using the Central Limit Theorem, it is shown that for such sequences of codebooks the supremum of achievable rates with constant threshold decoding is upper bounded by the supremum of the achievable rates with a constant margin decoder, and therefore also by C_q^(∞)(W). Further, a soft converse is proved stating that if the average probability of error of a sequence of codebooks converges to zero sufficiently fast, the rate of the code sequence is upper bounded by C_q^(∞)(W). In particular, if q is a bounded rational metric, and the average probability of error converges to zero faster than O(n^-1), then R≤ C_q^(∞)(W). Finally, a max-min multi-letter upper bound on the mismatch capacity that bears some resemblance to C_q^(∞)(W) is presented.


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