Convergence of a meshless numerical method for a chemotaxis system with density-suppressed motility

by   Federico Herrero-Hervás, et al.

This article studies a parabolic-elliptic system modelling the pattern formation in E. coli bacteria in response to a chemoattractant known as acylhomoserine lactone concentration (AHL). The system takes into account certain bacterial strains with motility regulation, and the parameters of the equations represent the bacterial logistic growth, AHL diffusion and the rates of production and degradation of AHL. We consider the numerical solution to the system using the Generalized Finite Difference (GFD) Method, a meshless method known to effectively compute numerical solutions to nonlinear problems. The paper is organized to first explain the derivation of the explicit formulae of the method, followed by the study of the convergence of the explicit scheme. Then, several examples over regular and irregular meshes are given.


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