Contrastive Credibility Propagation for Reliable Semi-Supervised Learning

by   Brody Kutt, et al.

Inferencing unlabeled data from labeled data is an error-prone process. Conventional neural network training is highly sensitive to supervision errors. These two realities make semi-supervised learning (SSL) troublesome. Often, SSL approaches fail to outperform their fully supervised baseline. Proposed is a novel framework for deep SSL, specifically pseudo-labeling, called contrastive credibility propagation (CCP). Through an iterative process of generating and refining soft pseudo-labels, CCP unifies a novel contrastive approach to generating pseudo-labels and a powerful technique to overcome instance-based label noise. The result is a semi-supervised classification framework explicitly designed to overcome inevitable pseudo-label errors in an attempt to reliably boost performance over a supervised baseline. Our empirical evaluation across five benchmark classification datasets suggests one must choose between reliability or effectiveness with prior approaches while CCP delivers both. We also demonstrate an unsupervised signal to subsample pseudo-labels to eliminate errors between iterations of CCP and after its conclusion.


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