Contrastive Alignment of Vision to Language Through Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning

by   Zaid Khan, et al.

Contrastive vision-language models (e.g. CLIP) are typically created by updating all the parameters of a vision model and language model through contrastive training. Can such models be created by a small number of parameter updates to an already-trained language model and vision model? The literature describes techniques that can create vision-language models by updating a small number of parameters in a language model, but these require already aligned visual representations and are non-contrastive, hence unusable for latency-sensitive applications such as neural search. We explore the feasibility and benefits of parameter-efficient contrastive vision-language alignment through transfer learning: creating a model such as CLIP by minimally updating an already-trained vision and language model. We find that a minimal set of parameter updates (<7 training, and updating specific components (<1 of full-model training. We describe a series of experiments: we show that existing knowledge is conserved more strongly in parameter-efficient training and that parameter-efficient scaling scales with model and dataset size. Where paired-image text data is scarce but strong multilingual language models exist (e.g. low resource languages), parameter-efficient training is even preferable to full-model training. Given a fixed compute budget, parameter-efficient training allows training larger models on the same hardware, achieving equivalent performance in less time. Parameter-efficient training hence constitutes an energy-efficient and effective training strategy for contrastive vision-language models that may be preferable to the full-model training paradigm for common use cases. Code and weights at


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