Constructing Trustworthy and Safe Communities on a Blockchain-Enabled Social Credits System

by   Ronghua Xu, et al.

The emergence of big data driven technologies has greatly changed global communications, commercial activities, and social relations in our communities. Constructed through collecting fragmented public and private data, Social Credit System (SCS) allows government and private agencies to make critical decisions based on analytic data instead of arbitrary whims. The SCS is considered as an efficient approach to shore up trust in organizations and regulate business and private behaviors. However, nowadays almost all of the credit score systems are maintained either by government or credit-scoring agents. The processes of data collection and rating are not transparent. It is also difficult to protect against abuse and misuse of private data by dishonest agents. The centralized architecture of credit systems suffers single point of failure and privacy breach risks. In this position paper, we proposed a BLockchain-Enabled Social credits System (BLESS) aiming at constructing more trustworthy and safer communities. The decentralized architecture of the blockchain network not only allows distributed individuals to participate rating process of a SCS, but also provides tamper proof of transaction data in the trustless network environment. Smart contract enabled authentication and authorization strategy prevents any unauthorized entity from accessing the credit system. The proposed BLESS scheme is promising to offer a secure, transparent and decentralized social credit system.


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