Constructing Regression Dataset from Code Evolution History

by   Xuezhi Song, et al.

Bug datasets consisting of real-world bugs are important artifacts for researchers and programmers, which lay empirical and experimental foundation for various SE/PL research such as fault localization, software testing, and program repair. All known state-of-the-art datasets are constructed manually, which inevitably limits their scalability, representativeness, and the support for the emerging data-driven research. In this work, we propose an approach to automate the process of harvesting replicable regression bugs from the code evolutionary history. We focus on regression bug dataset, as they (1) manifest how a bug is introduced and fixed (as normal bugs), (2) support regression bug analysis, and (3) incorporate a much stronger specification (i.e., the original passing version) for general bug analysis. Technically, we address an information retrieval problem on code evolution history. Given a code repository, we search for regressions where a test can pass a regression-fixing commit, fail a regressioninducing commit, and pass a working commit. In this work, we address the challenges of (1) identifying potential regression-fixing commits from the code evolution history, (2) migrating the test and its code dependencies over the history, and (3) minimizing the compilation overhead during the regression search. We build our tool, RegMiner, which harvested 537 regressions over 66 projects for 3 weeks, created the largest replicable regression dataset within shortest period, to the best of our knowledge. Moreover, our empirical study on our regression dataset shows a gap between the popular regression fault localization techniques (e.g, delta-debugging) and the real fix, revealing new data-driven research opportunities.


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