Consistent Collective Matrix Completion under Joint Low Rank Structure

by   Suriya Gunasekar, et al.

We address the collective matrix completion problem of jointly recovering a collection of matrices with shared structure from partial (and potentially noisy) observations. To ensure well--posedness of the problem, we impose a joint low rank structure, wherein each component matrix is low rank and the latent space of the low rank factors corresponding to each entity is shared across the entire collection. We first develop a rigorous algebra for representing and manipulating collective--matrix structure, and identify sufficient conditions for consistent estimation of collective matrices. We then propose a tractable convex estimator for solving the collective matrix completion problem, and provide the first non--trivial theoretical guarantees for consistency of collective matrix completion. We show that under reasonable assumptions stated in Section 3.1, with high probability, the proposed estimator exactly recovers the true matrices whenever sample complexity requirements dictated by Theorem 1 are met. The sample complexity requirement derived in the paper are optimum up to logarithmic factors, and significantly improve upon the requirements obtained by trivial extensions of standard matrix completion. Finally, we propose a scalable approximate algorithm to solve the proposed convex program, and corroborate our results through simulated experiments.


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