Confluence: A Robust Non-IoU Alternative to Non-Maxima Suppression in Object Detection

by   Andrew Shepley, et al.

This paper presents a novel alternative to Greedy Non-Maxima Suppression (NMS) in the task of bounding box selection and suppression in object detection. It proposes Confluence, an algorithm which does not rely solely on individual confidence scores to select optimal bounding boxes, nor does it rely on Intersection Over Union (IoU) to remove false positives. Using Manhattan Distance, it selects the bounding box which is closest to every other bounding box within the cluster and removes highly confluent neighboring boxes. Thus, Confluence represents a paradigm shift in bounding box selection and suppression as it is based on fundamentally different theoretical principles to Greedy NMS and its variants. Confluence is experimentally validated on RetinaNet, YOLOv3 and Mask-RCNN, using both the MS COCO and PASCAL VOC 2007 datasets. Confluence outperforms Greedy NMS in both mAP and recall on both datasets, using the challenging 0.50:0.95 mAP evaluation metric. On each detector and dataset, mAP was improved by 0.3-0.7 1.4-2.5 is provided, and quantitative results are supported by extensive qualitative results analysis. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis experiments across mAP thresholds support the conclusion that Confluence is more robust than NMS.


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